My current in the bag page. When I did my last in the bag video in 2018 thought that will go with those discs for quite a while. Well, it changed and lot to be honest. There are still few of my favourite workhorses left which will remain there for sure. Will keep updating this post and you’ll find update log at bottom of this post. So these discs listed here are fitting into my Latitude E3 luxury bag. When pulling my zuca to course, of course there are more backups of these discs on board.
Please feel free to leave comments below and have a look of recent posts as during this year will also add some disc reviews for my homepage as amateur perspective for pro reviews you can find from web.
Deputy (Dynamic discs) – 1 x soft burst
3 4 -1,5 0
Deputy made a comeback to my bad on summer 2020. I had some issues with putts from C2 and beyond. With Deputy being more understable than Keystone, it works better for me in longer distance.

Keystone (Latitude64)- 1 x zero medium, 1 x Opto-x
2 5 -1 1
Handfeel of Keystone is very similar to Warden I used to put with, but it’s slightly understable. Keystone’s role in my bag is for putts as well approaches. Keystone in opto-x plastic can fly very straight and if thrown harder it will turn over, but just gently.

Anvil (Westside discs) – 1 x vip
4 2 0 4
The utility discs and very important disc for approached. Very overstable slow midrange. Superb for forehand approaches and have given me already few aces. Shallow and comfortable. Always return even if thrown with big anhyzer release. Highly recommended overstable midrange.

Suspect (Dynamic discs) – 1 x soft, 1 x Opto-x
4 3 0 3
Tried to be without my Suspects for some time, but couldn’t. Soft suspect is very important dics to me for straight shots with backhand up to 80 meters and for forehand approaches. Opto-x is more stable and sits nicely between soft Suspect and Anvil. Shame this disc has been taken out of production…

Claymore (Latitude64) – 1 x opto
5 5 -1 1
My understable midrange is Claymore. Very reliable disc for shots I need to turn over but not being too flippy. I prefer using Claymores in heavier weights. This disc also glides and holds anhyzer lines perfectly

Truth Emac (Dynamic discs) – 1 x fuzion
5 5 0 2
Workhorse of my midrange game. Currently bagging one seasoned truth for long straight and turnover shots. I have thrown this disc for couple of years now so I really know what it will do in air. Very versatile midrange disc.

Verdict (Dynamic discs) – 1 x fuzion, 1 x lucid-x
5 4 0 3,5
Overstable compliment to my truths. If more fade is needed or there are more headwind, then my choice is verdict. These two are getting more and more flight time over my truths. Like to throw them flat and hard and enjoy straight flight with reliable fade at end especially with lucid-x – such a gem.

Fairway drivers
Explorer (Latitude64) – 1 x snow and 1 x opto-x
7 5 0 2
Straight flying fairway driver. Snow line explorer is very reliable to throw in woods having straigth flight and not needing that much space. Snow line disc is used only backhand while my opto-x version is better for forehand drives.

Maul (Latitude64) – 1 x opto
7 7 -2 1
Latest addition to my bag is Maul, superb disc for hyzer flipping tight tunnel shots and longer turnovers compared to Claymore. Great feeling in hand and will glide forever and really not have any fade at end. Longest throw with this disc has been 120 m in slight downhill and dead straight flight. Who wouldn’t love that?

Felon (Dynamic discs) – 1 x lucid air, 1 x lucid, 1 x lucid-x
9 3 0,5 4
Felon! Do I need to say more? The fairway driver in my bag. Lucid Felon I have is seasoned for few years and is now very straight flying up to 90-100 metres and the having always fade at the end. No hooking fade, but pushing. If more stability is needed then I trust my lucid-x Felon. Between those two I have fresh lucid air Felon which I use a lot with forehand as it’s lighter. These Felons can be thrown either backhand or forehand and those get a lot airtime in my hands.

Sapphire (Latitude64) – 1 x opto chameleon
10 6 -2 1,5
Sapphire stole a place in my bag by being disc that is easy to throw and curves nice S-lines. If you throw it with some hyzer, it stands up nicely allowing little turnover before having nice forward pushing fade. At least that chameleon version has more stability than its flight numbers indicate

Distance drivers
Sergeant (Dynamic discs) – 1 x opto
11 4 0 2,5
Sergeant is a newcomer to my bag and still looking permanent place in there. I’d say sergeant being quite close to my seasoned Felon with my armspeed. It’s for sure stable, but I have a trust in and after seasoned in it will break the bank.

Sword (Westside discs) – 1 x vip
12 5 0 2
Needed to have one little understable distance driver in my bag which I could hyzerflip straight in woods. This Sword can do it and I can run it to about 115m in woods. That said for now it has steady place in my bag.

Sheriff (Dynamic discs) – 1 x sparkle lucid and 1 x lucid-x glimmer
13 5 -1 2
Sheriff is a long timer in my bag and a go-to driver for me to many holes. Sparkle lucid I have flights very close by its flight numbers indicate and I use this to quite often for my tee shots and with forehands it naturally creates some nice flex lines. Lucid-x then is ridicilously overstable as a sheriff. It has big pop-top dome and it’s like said very overstable. Still figuring out if there’s really place in my bag for this disc.

Raider (Dynamic discs) – 2 x lucid (168g/175g)
13 5 -0,5 3
New addition to my bad as distance bomber. When compared to Trespass, Raider has definitely more fade at the end while rest of the flight pattern is quite similar. In my hands Raider can be thrown into stronger headwind compared to Trespass. Lighter Raider is more understable and very suitable for looong turn overs and uphill shots, which really surpriced me. Still in a learning curve with these discs, but I’d say that after some seasoning these will be money in my lineup.

Defender (Dynamic discs) – 1 x Biofuzion
13 5 0 3
Defender got extra spot in my bag for hyzer forehands and headwind backhands. Have had long on/off relationship with Defender, but will to give this moderately stable biofuzion defender another chance. In past it has saved me on windy days and with that heritage it claimed a spot again in my bag just in case…

Update history
- First version released 8.1.2020
- Pioneer out and fuzion felon in. Vandals out. One blend Warder replaced by lucid-x and fuzion Emac Truth by lucid 18.3.2020
- Updated 3.7.2020: In Deputy, Suspects, Sword, Seargeant. Out Warden, Flow, Trespass